

Tick and Heartworm Prevention: What You Need to Know

3.24.2023 0 comment

While owning a pet can be a source of joy and companionship, it also comes with significant responsibilities. It's no secret that many illnesses can affect your pet, including ticks and heartworm, which kill at least 14% of dogs annually. The good news is that this is actually preventable as long as you adhere to what your veterinarian in Staten Island recommends.


Essential Winter Tips to Keep Your Pets Warm and Happier

1.18.2023 10 comment

It's winter once again. The snow is falling everywhere, limiting your every move. Don't worry! There are several things you can do to continue doing what you love, including taking care of your beloved pets.                         

To help you get started, below are several winter tips for pet owners like you. Keep these in mind, and you will undoubtedly be able to make the most of this winter season.

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