Now that you know allergies are an issue, how do you know if your pet is itching?! Tell-tale signs of an itchy dog aren't all as obvious as you may think! Most pet owners think that if their dog isn't scratching themselves, they're not itchy.
HOWEVER, additional signs of itch include:
- Frequent licking of particular areas
- Excessive rolling & rubbing themselves along the floor/furniture
- Recurring ear infections/issues, including head-shaking
- Hair loss
- Body odor (including Frito feet!)
- Any rashes/other changes to the skin or discharge from the skin
- Brown-red discoloration of fur (saliva staining from excess licking)
Cats may be even more subtle. They can be REALLY good at hiding their itching behaviors. But pet owners on the lookout may notice:
- Areas of hair loss or thinning- kitties like to tear their hair out for relief :(
- Fur clumps left behind in favorite perches
- Any rashes/other changes to the skin
- Frequent licking of particular areas
Is your pet itchy? Give us a call as (718)370-0390 to set up an appointment, or request an appointment through our app! Just search "SIVG" in your app store to set up your app account.